Milton Keynes: free training and recruitment help

Free forums are available to all local businesses throughout the yearFree forums are available to all local businesses throughout the year
Free forums are available to all local businesses throughout the year
Milton Keynes businesses are set to benefit from a new initiative to deliver free forums that will help them rapidly upskill or recruit new employees.

MK Skills Match Service

The well reported skills gap is preventing Milton Keynes employers from finding the staff they need, according to MK College. Recruiting is taking longer than ever as the pool of suitable talent dries up and there’s a need for training providers need to keep pace with market changes and offer training with the needs of business in mind.

SkillsHub:MK has launched the ‘Skills Matching Service’. Delivered by MK College it is designed to increase engagement with SMEs and deliver a number of career focused forums. These will provide MK businesses the opportunity to interact with local education and training providers to influence future training requirements.

From speedy recruitment to upskilling existing staff, these free courses will help MK businessesFrom speedy recruitment to upskilling existing staff, these free courses will help MK businesses
From speedy recruitment to upskilling existing staff, these free courses will help MK businesses

Putting businesses and educators side by side, the forums will contribute actively to developing and delivering new skills training. This understanding will support the needs of local business and support them to increase their productivity and business growth.

What are the Local Business Forums?

The forums aim to explore the unique situation facing each local organisation – and understand the vital skills required in Milton Keynes, now and in the future.

Involvement by the local business community allows them to contribute to a curriculum – so that training providers can deliver the skills and knowledge that are ‘fit for purpose’.

Through discussion the forums will move from understanding current skills needs of employers, through to informing the development of future training requirements.This exciting new approach will aid business growth and productivity and provide free training in Management and Leadership skills across all sectors.

Support to recruit locally

Making it easy for employers to find the right people, the free MK Skills Match service will allow employers to tap into local talent.

Help to grow your business

Through workshops tailored to specific business needs and free events based on current challenges and innovation requirements the service will help businesses grow.

Improved student-business relations

Future talent will bring innovation and inventiveness to local businesses and facilitate improved skills and best practices in the workplace, says MK College.

The upcoming forums are listed below, to register attendance visit

Forums have already been held in logistics, public services and hospitality.

Education and childcare takes place on January 20 from 9.30 to 11am. Tickets available here.

Engineering runs the same day from 2-3.30pm, register here.

Hair and beauty is on January 24, 10am to 11.30am, tickets here.

And construction is on April 25 10-11.30am, click here for tickets.

MK Skills Match Forums

SkillsHub:MK is hosting a series of forums, workshops, and webinars throughout the year for local businesses and individuals. If you would like to join the mailing list for future events, please contact [email protected] Or visit

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