Milton Keynes Coronavirus Support Group goes from strength to strength in the crisis


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More than 500 volunteers are poised to help people all over Milton Keynes who are struggling during the coronavirus crisis.

The Milton Keynes Community Support Group was formed earlier this month and has been busy putting their leaflet through the door of tens of thousands of homes in Milton Keynes.

People in need can stick the leaflet in their window or call a special number on the back.

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Each area or estate has an official coordinator who will process requests for help from isolated or vulnerable people.

These requests will be passed on to an army of residents who have volunteered their services to collect shopping, post letters or perform other much-needed tasks.

"“We want to ensure no-one is left out” said a spokesman for the group. “There are street groups, neighbourhood groups, clubs, friends’ groups, and that’s great – but none of these groups ensures comprehensive coverage.

"If we operate in a grid square, we are aiming to cover it fully – to leaflet every house and respond to all needs from isolated vulnerable people who may have no one else to help them.”

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The majority of areas in MK are covered, but there are still some gaps. However, the organisers have worked with several other local groups with the aim of ensuring that every inch of MK is comprehensively covered, said the spokesman.

The aim is to get a leaflet in very home in MKThe aim is to get a leaflet in very home in MK
The aim is to get a leaflet in very home in MK

He said safeguarding and risks of the massive initiative had been "thoroughly considered". The founders of the group, Lucy and Mike, are respectively an experienced social worker and a former World Vision aid worker who worked on the Ebola response in Sierra Leone.

“Safeguarding is crucial," said Lucy. “This group is determined to ensure that the people we help are safer as a result of our help. They can have food, medicines and other needs met without having any contact or danger of contamination.

"We put shopping on the doorstep and retreat two metres before they open the door. If we can help to keep them healthy and safe in their own homes, they may be less likely to need a hospital bed. This work saves lives”.

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The group has created a rigorous Volunteer Agreement, specifying who the group is there to serve and what volunteers will and will not do.

The group's map of areas it has coveredThe group's map of areas it has covered
The group's map of areas it has covered

They must avoid risks to their own or their client's health, wash their hands thoroughly before and after each assignment and maintain a two metre distance at all times.

They can undertake tasks such as collecting prescriptions, getting shopping, walking dogs, posting letters, putting bins out or light gardening.

Family-run printing business has been printing leaflets at cost price and made a starter gift of several thousand leaflets printed free of charge.

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The group is aiming to cover their printing costs with a £2,500 Crowdfunder. and you can donate to this here

Since the social distancing restrictions, much of the massive organisational work the group involves has been performed remotely, using Whats App, Skype and Facebook 'watch parties'. Volunteers to help with IT, website and administration would all be welcomed, say the organisers.

Meanwhile members and volunteers themselves have been hit by the coronavirus crisis. On Tuesday members of the community in one grid square rallied round to support one of the

team who had just suffered a family bereavement due to the virus. Another member of the team was in strict isolation after their spouse became ill with it.

You can follow the group's progress or volunteer your services through its Facebook page here

