Burglars spray man in the face in Great Brickhill

A man was sprayed in the face by two teenagers when he caught them attempting to burgle a home in Great Brickhill last week.

The 55-year-old victim was visiting a property in Holts Green to speak to the residents at 7pm on Friday, January 23, when he noticed two men were at the rear of the building.

When he challenged them one of the men sprayed an unknown substance in his face before making off on foot. He suffered stinging to his eyes and breathing difficulties but did not require hospital treatment.

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The residents of the property were not home at the time of the incident.

The offenders were both white, aged in their mid-teens, and wearing beanie hats.

Investigating officer Det Con Bruce Wilson said: “This was a nasty attack on a victim who happened to disturb the offenders as they attempted to break in to the property.

“Fortunately he did not sustain serious injuries. Officers are making enquires to locate those responsible and I would urge anyone who has any information about this incident to call police on 101.”

If you have any information contact the Thames Valley Police Enquiry Centre on 101.