What do you think of crime in Milton Keynes?

SaferMK is looking for the views of residents and employees on safety in the city.

Your opinions will help SaferMK to understand people’s fear of crime and what people think of crime in the area.

Once gathered, the information will help partners including Milton Keynes Council,Thames Valley Police, Bucks Fire and Rescue and Probation to work with communities to target the right areas that matter to people.

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“It is important for us to hear from the people of Milton Keynes,” said Colin Wilderspin, head of community safety at Milton Keynes Council.

“We want people to feel and be safe living and working in the city.

“If there is something people are concerned about, we want to know so we can look at how best to deal with these issues.”

If you take the survey - which takes around 10 minutes to complete - you can also enter a free draw to win one of four £50 vouchers for thecentre:mk

The survey will be open until Wednesday, June 29. Visit www.safermk.com