Elder Gate in Milton Keynes highest ranking for bicycle thefts

Elder Gate, just outisde the train station, has been named as the worst place to leave your bike in the country.

The places where your bicycle is most likely to be stolen were revealed today following reasearch of crime data from every police force in England and Wales.

The research shows that parking your bike at a railway station carries the highest risk of it being stolen.

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The worst place in to leave your bike is Elder Gate at Milton Keynes railway station.

In the past year, 72 bikes were stolen from the parking area on the street and a further 19 from another location on the road, which runs around the front of the station.

Rob Basinger, head of UK at bicycle insurer Protect Your Bubble, said: “When you contrast the cycle theft rate for Oxbridge with England and Wales, it’s abundantly clear these university towns are as popular with thieves as students.

“There’s no safety in numbers, either. In towns like Cambridge, a high number of cyclists results in a high number of thefts.

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“Bike theft is a nationwide issue but there are some streets that stand out as having a particular problem. Commuters leaving bikes at railway stations for any length of the time stand a chance of being targeted.

“If you have to leave your bike on the street then make sure it is locked securely and, as with any item of value, if you think it may be at risk then consider taking out insurance for extra peace of mind.”