Letter of the week: MK Citizen was entirely correct about cows

Letters to the editorLetters to the editor
Letters to the editor
It's lovely to hear Anne Edmonds' memories of the concrete cows appearing at Bancroft and her mother being interviewed by the Daily Mail, Citizen, April 28.

They caused quite a stir at the time.

However, the Citizen’s story about them returning to the place of their birth was entirely correct. In the very first years of Milton Keynes the buildings which are now occupied by the Museum were taken over by Milton Keynes Development Corporation and used as studios for the visiting artists they brought in: poet Jack Trevor Storey and of course Liz Leyh. It was Liz who worked with local schoolchildren at the museum to create the famous cows – before they were then put on public view as Anne remembers. Your readers may be interested to know that before the advent of the new city the museum buildings had already had a distinguished history – being bought by Sir John Radcliffe when he was MP for Buckingham. Income from what was a farm was used to fund the famous Radcliffe Infirmary at Oxford. Both stories will be a part of our two new galleries completing the full story of this area. This is just what we are after to tell the people’s story in one of those new galleries so please keep them coming.

Bill Griffiths

Director, MK Museum

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