Midwife from Milton Keynes wins award for exceptional care of mum facing difficult birth

Kate Laszlo with Katy Enser and baby Kit.Kate Laszlo with Katy Enser and baby Kit.
Kate Laszlo with Katy Enser and baby Kit.
A Milton Keynes midwife has won an award after being nominated for her exceptional care.

Kate Laszlo has been awarded the Emma’s Diary Mums’ Midwife of the Year 2018 for the Midlands region.

Nominated by mum Katy Enser, tThe prestigious award is one of the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Annual Midwifery Awards, recognising incredible work done by exceptional midwives across the country.

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Katy suffered from insulin dependent gestational diabetes during her first pregnancy which led to a difficult and complicated birth of son Rowan, who is now three years old.

When Katy discovered she had gestational diabetes in her second pregnancy, Kate provided the emotional support Katy needed to take control of her pregnancy, giving her the chance to have a natural and intervention free birth of her daughter, Kit who is now three months old.

Katy said: “When I found out I was expecting my second baby, the excitement was overshadowed by the knowledge that the pregnancy was likely to be a similar affair to the first. Kate empowered me to assert my pregnancy and birth preferences, when the situation might otherwise have overwhelmed me. The birth of my daughter Kit has gone a long way to heal the memories of what happened the first time around and I can absolutely attribute the confidence I felt in that delivery room to the fantastic support I received from Kate.”

The RCM’s Annual Awards, now in its 16th year, will be held on March 6. Kate will join the six other regional winners at a glamorous awards ceremony in London, where she will receive her trophy and find out who is crowned the coveted national winner.

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Sunil Singh, Emma’s Diary’s healthcare director, said: “This will be our third year sponsoring the award and each year we get blown away by stories of exceptional compassion and dedication shown by hundreds of wonderful midwives across the UK. Each nomination conveys a level of care and support that makes such a huge difference to a mum and their family’s life. It is a truly humbling experience and we are delighted for Kate, who is so deserving of this extra recognition.”

Mandy Forrester, head of quality and standards at The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) said; “This is a really special award to have won. Mums’ Midwife of the Year Award recognises the amazing support that midwives give to women throughout pregnancy, birth and early motherhood. Kate has delivered exceptional care and support to the mother that nominated her for this award and she should be very proud of this achievement.

“To read testimonies from mothers who have recognised that their midwife has provided safe, high quality, woman centred care is truly inspiring and certainly something as midwives we can all learn from.”

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