Milton Keynes branch of Motor Neurone Disease Association to benefit from Alderton Arts Festival

The 40th annual Alderton Arts Festival and outdoor plays happen on The Mount next weekend (September 3 & 4).

The event, set close to Towcester, takes the remains of a ringwork castle with a dramatic moat as its base.


An exhibition and sale of over 200 paintings by local artists, plus unframed paintings and prints will be hosted at Saint Margaret’s Church.

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There will be entertainment, a craft fair, white elephant stall, second-hand book stall, tombola, raffle, home produce sales, and other attractions, including an all-day an barbecue.

The event runs on Saturday 10.30 am to 6.30 pm, and Sunday 10.30 am to 4.30 pm. Admission is £1 and parking is free.

Proceeds will go to Saint Margarets Church and the Motor Neurone Disease Association Milton Keynes branch.

> Two open-air theatre performances by Heartbreak Productions, a national touring theatre company will also play out.

Murder on the Terrace at 7.00 pm Saturday evening and Shakespeare’s The Tempest at 5.00 pm Sunday.
