Milton Keynes Council and Thames Valley Police have a timely reminder for those tempted to drink and drive

During the summer months drink and drug driving offences typically increase as there are more opportunities for people to think they can risk mixing drinking with driving.

Milton Keynes Council is continuing to work alongside Thame Valley Police to remind drivers not to drink alcohol or take drugs and drive.

Across MK roadside, checks will be carried out including mornings and evenings to target drivers who may be breaking the law.

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Any drivers caught speeding will be stopped and breathalysed.

They will receive either a roadside education talk or a ticket if the speed is excessive.

If they fail the breath test and are over the legal limit or refuse to provide a breath test then action will be taken by the police which could include losing their driving license, a hefty fine or even a prison sentence.

The Road Safety Team will be on hand advising motorists of the dangers of drinking and driving as well as the consequences if you are caught drink driving and to talk about the dangers of speeding.

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There is no failsafe guide as to how to stay under the legal alcohol limit or how much you can drink and still drive safely. Any amount of alcohol affects your ability to drive safely.

On average 3,000 people are killed or seriously injured each year in drink drive collisions nationally.

People convicted of driving under the influence of drink or drugs can expect to be banned from driving for at least 12 months, receive a fine of up to £5,000 and/or six months in prison.

Councillor Liz Gifford, cabinet member with responsibility for road safety said, “Every year people are killed or injured unnecessarily as a result of someone driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Our message is simple: if you’re planning to drive, don’t drink alcohol and the only safe drink is a soft drink.”