Milton Keynes Council urges residents to get the new city buzzing

Macro image of Bee orchid flower with green backgroundMacro image of Bee orchid flower with green background
Macro image of Bee orchid flower with green background
Milton Keynes Council has joined forces with other Bucks councils to encourage people to help pollinating insects in this area and raise awareness.

Pollinators like bees are in severe decline nationally, yet they are vital to pollinate many different plants and crops across the world.

In Milton Keynes 80% of all flowering plants are pollinated by insects.

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The Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Natural Environment Partnership (The “NEP”) has launched its 2017 “Bucks Buzzing” project to encourage everyone to do something for pollinators in Buckinghamshire to help get “Bucks Buzzing” again.

Ways to help increase the number of bees and other pollinating insects include:

Building a bug hotel

Mowing less frequently

Allow hedges to flower

Leave a wild area in your garden

Grow wildflowers that attracts insects

Consider using less or no pesticides

MK Council has changed the frequency and timing of cutting rural grass verges allowing more flowers to grow and as a result, more unusual flowers like Bee Orchids have appeared alongside more common species. Sickers have also been placed on landscaping equipment to remind users to check for hedgehogs.

Sign up online to get ideas on how to help wildlife and get a free packet of wildflower seeds. There’s also information, advice and guidance on how you can get involved, posters and certificates to download and you can share photos and tips from your own projects.