Milton Keynes Fire Station to be closed down this year and sold for housing development?

MK's Great Holm Fire StationMK's Great Holm Fire Station
MK's Great Holm Fire Station
The fire station at Great Holm will be closed down later this year - and probably sold off for housing, campaigners have claimed.

The Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Fire and Rescue Service plan to close the Great Holm facility to open the new blue light fire service hub at West Ashlands, next to Stadium MK.

But local Labour councillors and campaigners say the finances for the new hub do not stack up unless the Great Holm site is sold for housing to generate the anticipated £1.6m.

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Community campaigner Ben Nolan said: “This decision flies in the face of commitments given that there were no plans to sell or demolish Great Holm fire station.

MK's Great Holm Fire StationMK's Great Holm Fire Station
MK's Great Holm Fire Station

He added: "Given the continued growth of the west flank of Milton Keynes it is obvious that new fire service provision will be needed in the next decade, at least for fire engines to park up on match days and other busy times.

Labour say the current Bletchley fire station site could also face being sold off for housing development to help finance the new hub.

Mr Nolan said: “I thought the Government was funding the new blue light service but now it seems the Fire Authority is having to sell sites to fund it."

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He said the buildings are "ideal" for community use for organisations such as the Scouts and Guides.

Bucks Fire and Rescue ServiceBucks Fire and Rescue Service
Bucks Fire and Rescue Service

Milton Keynes Council, together with residents from the West flank, had opposed closing Great Holm Fire Station.

"But the Fire Authority did not listen," said Mr Nolan. "It did say it would keep the building and that it could be for community use. It is only 26 years old. Now they have torn up this commitment as they battle with financial pressures caused by lack of Government funding and poor local financial decisions."

He added: “As a local resident I have always believed the decision to close Great Holm was both dangerous and short sighted. The decision to close, demolish and sell the station, this year, adds insult to injury.

"The Government should step in and fund the new blue light hub properly and Great Holm should be kept open."