NHS services in Milton Keynes better than the rest of Bucks for waiting times

18/01/14  PM

The accident and emergency department at Queen Alexandra Hospital in Cosham.
Picture: Ian Hargreaves  (14131-4)QA Hospital ,   A and E , A&E ,  Accident and Emergency , casualty PPP-171007-11290000118/01/14  PM

The accident and emergency department at Queen Alexandra Hospital in Cosham.
Picture: Ian Hargreaves  (14131-4)QA Hospital ,   A and E , A&E ,  Accident and Emergency , casualty PPP-171007-112900001
18/01/14 PM The accident and emergency department at Queen Alexandra Hospital in Cosham. Picture: Ian Hargreaves (14131-4)QA Hospital , A and E , A&E , Accident and Emergency , casualty PPP-171007-112900001
Healthcare services in Milton Keynes are performing better than those covering the rest of Bucks, according to data analysed by the BBC,

Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Trust hit two of its three targets, for cancer treatment and planned operation waiting times, compared to just one reached by Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust.

93.7% of patients were treated within four hours at Milton Keynes accident and emergency departments, compared to 86.5% at Bucks hospitals. Both trusts missed the target of 95%.

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Cancer patients in Milton Keynes were seen within 62 days 88.8% of the time and those in Bucks in 87.2% of cases, passing the target of 85%.

It was in the wait for planned operations that Bucks fell short where Milton Keynes reached expectation. Bucks falling just shy of the 92% target with 91.1% seen within 18 weeks, with Milton Keynes pipping the target by 0.1%.

Both trusts were well above the average scores in cancer and planned operations waiting times, but those receiving care from A&E departments run by the Bucks trust face waits longer than average.

Data is tracked quarterly or monthly, depending on service provider, and goes back to 2009. The BBC visual journalism unit conducted the research, which is available, in full, on its website.

Have you suffered from long waiting times for NHS services in Milton Keynes? Get in touch, email [email protected]