Outstanding start to the new year for Tommy Flowers project

SCITT Ofsted OutstandingSCITT Ofsted Outstanding
SCITT Ofsted Outstanding
Dedicated teacher trainers are celebrating the news that their programme is now officially recognised as '˜Outstanding' by Ofsted.

The Tommy Flowers School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) programme is a partnership between Denbigh Teaching School Alliance and St Paul’s Catholic School.

It is the only teacher training programme in Milton Keynes offering both primary and secondary teacher training and it has received impressive feedback from Ofsted and trainees themselves.

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In their report, the Ofsted inspectors commented that “the SCITT is having a real impact on teacher recruitment needs in Milton Keynes.”

Indeed, the Tommy Flowers SCITT boasts a 100 per cent employment record.

Andy Squires, headteacher at Denbigh School and Accounting Officer for the Tommy Flowers SCITT, said: “The Tommy Flowers SCITT has gone from strength to strength since its conception and we are overjoyed that the dedication to provide quality teachers for the schools in MK has been recognised by Ofsted in awarding ‘Outstanding’.

“It puts the SCITT in a strong position to meet the demands of schools in MK now and in the future.”

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