Arsonists put lives at risk in Milton Keynes after spate of deliberate fires

Firefighters tackle one of the blazesFirefighters tackle one of the blazes
Firefighters tackle one of the blazes
Arsonists put lives at risks by starting four deliberate fires within just over an hour of one another on Sunday night it has been revealed.

Both were on the Lakes Estate's Serpentine Court.

Though the fires were set in wheelie bins outside the shops, the area is surrounded by residential flats and the blaze could easily have spread.

The first attack was at 8.43pm when firefighters were called to two large commercial wheelie bins that were ablaze.

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They had just left when they were called back at 10pm to two adjacent bins that were on fire.

This time firefighters carried out welfare calls on worried residents and investigated to ensure the blaze had not spread to the shops.

Police are now investigating.

A Bucks Fire spokesman said: “Arson is a crime that can cause injury or death and can quickly spread to damage property, the environment and communities.”

Arson attacks also put firefighters' lives at risk and serve to divert resources away from other emergencies.