Web design and SEO specialist in Milton Keynes

From Dragon’s Den to your local business – this 22 year old is bringing massive success to businesses in Milton KeynesFrom Dragon’s Den to your local business – this 22 year old is bringing massive success to businesses in Milton Keynes
From Dragon’s Den to your local business – this 22 year old is bringing massive success to businesses in Milton Keynes
Meet the award-winning web design and SEO agency whose growing MK based company is helping local businesses transform and hit record breaking profits.

A young entrepreneur who started coding at just 10 years old is now running one of the fastest growing website and SEO businesses in Milton Keynes.

Reece Hussain has worked with numerous brands in the town, including the Dragon’s Den superstars Barking Bags. And helping local SMEs grow is at the heart of everything he does.

Reece, who started his business aged 19 and now has taken on a team of four, said: “I chose to set up in Milton Keynes because the town is vibrant, and filled with energy and ambition.

Web design and SEO specialist Reece says: “Milton Keynes is vibrant, and filled with energy and ambition.”Web design and SEO specialist Reece says: “Milton Keynes is vibrant, and filled with energy and ambition.”
Web design and SEO specialist Reece says: “Milton Keynes is vibrant, and filled with energy and ambition.”

“We are ambitious too, and look for that in people we do business with. We worked with a business coach in Milton Keynes who was so impressed with what we do he bought 20 per cent of the business and became a shareholder.”

Case study

Barking Bags – which creates dog-walking accessories – approached Global Exposure firm ahead of their appearance on Dragon’s Den to help them prepare for anticipated extra website traffic.

With just four weeks notice Global Exposure helped them get their eCommerce store ready, set up systems to capture lost revenue in abandoned carts and maximised SEO opportunities.

What happened next was astonishing

Reece said: “I took my laptop to the launch party as the TV show screened to share with them in real time how the public were reacting to their business idea on Dragon’s Den. Barking Bags had 25,000 people on their website at the one time, and we made sure that everything was absolutely perfect for that moment.

“In that one day alone over200,000 people visited the Barking Bags website, and they achieved £30,000 sales before the episode had finished.”

A new method for monitoring stock levels helped save £15,000 in revenue by alerting customers to when out of stock products were available again, making this a true Milton Keynes success story.

“The Global Exposure team have helped us take our business to the next level and we couldn’t have done it without them. Our company, Barking Bags were recently on Dragons’ Den and in preparation we had to make sure we had a website fit for purpose and maximising on SEO opportunities.

“Global Exposure took this on, even putting in the extra hours needed to make sure we were ready for whatever came our way after the appearance on the BBC. They helped set up the Shopify system to streamline sales, advising us on what applications would best suit our needs and also where not to waste money on apps that weren’t necessary.

“We’ve always found them easy to work with, accessible and helpful and would have no hesitation in recommending them to other businesses.” – Debbie & Rob, Owners of Barking Bags

The Global Exposure story

The firm specialises in building websites which are SEO focussed from day one, rather than building a website and then trying to build in SEO wasting extra time and money. As well as owner Reece the firm employs a designer, developer, SEO specialist and project manager.

They were awarded awarded SEO Agency Of The Year Award 2022 and won Most Innovative Web Design Business Leader of the year award in 2022.

The expanding client base covers all areas of the UK, but mostly concentrates on Milton Keynes, with clients ranging from start-up firms, health providers, estate agencies and more.

And whether your firm is looking to see turnover hit seven figures, or are a sole-trader looking to get a busy diary, Global Exposure can help.

Reece added: “I worked with one local tradesman and it has been transformational for his business. By giving him a fresh website and domain name, and helping him be discovered on search engines, he now gets 15 enquiries every single day.”

If you want to find out more visit https://global-exposure.co.uk or call Reece for a friendly chat on 01908 229580.

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