Butterfly or bug? That’s the question

THE difficult question facing kids this Wednesday afternoon?

Whether to choose a butterfly or bug glider, or a funky insect mask.

It’s a toughie, but one that they will have to get their heads around if they are heading to the latest Frosts event, designed specially for kids on their school holidays.

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Once they have made their choice, the youngsters will then be able to decorate their chosen glider or mask. It’s another thoroughly nice event being offered at the Woburn Sands based garden centre which has more than just petal power.

You don’t need to book in advance for this, and can simply turn up between 10am and 4pm on the day (if you really want to take a ticket ahead of the event, they are selling them on the Customer Service Desk, mind).

Tickets are £7.99 per child, and they must be accompanied.

Of course, while you are at the centre, it would be rude not to take a quick look around at the shrubs and furniture that could transform your backyard into a little haven...go on, you know you want to.

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