Appeal for help to trace absconder for HMP Springhill

Police are appealing for help to trace a man who has absconded from HMP Springhill.

Jason Sufi, aged 39, absconded from the prison in Grendon Underwood, Buckinghamshire, yesterday (February 20) at about 1.15pm.

Sufi is white, about 5ft 6ins tall with olive skin, dark hair and with a medium build.

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When he was last seen he was wearing a light blue tracksuit with socks over the bottoms.


Sufi is serving a nine year indeterminate sentence for burglary, false imprisonment and robbery.

He is known to frequent Coventry and Reading.

Investigating officer, Detective Constable Mark Kates, based at Aylesbury police station, said: “We would like information from anyone who can help us to trace Jason Sufi.

“If he is seen, I would ask people to call 999, quoting URN 819 (Feburuary 20), or if you have any information which you think could be relevant to our investigation, please contact the non-emergency number 101.

“Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”