Pavement parking puts lives in danger in Milton Keynes

Inconsiderate pavement parkers are endangering the lives of thousands of people in Milton Keynes.

A new campaign run by city RNIB campaigner Padma Cheriyan warns of the dangers caused to blind and partially sighted pedestrians.

“Pavement parking is endangering their lives, and also the lives of people in wheelchairs and children in buggies, said Padma.

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“Not being able to walk past cars on pavements,, we have to step out onto the road facing oncoming traffic,” she added.

On June 24 councillor Mick Legg will help prove Padma’s point by walking blindfold along Pestern Place, Downs Barn.

Meanwhile the campaign, also backed by Bucks Vision and Guide Dogs, is gathering petition signatures in the Food Hall at CMK on June 17.

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