28 schools in MK have classes with 31+ children28 schools in MK have classes with 31+ children
28 schools in MK have classes with 31+ children

Is your child in a supersize class? These primary schools have the biggest class sizes in Milton Keynes

MK Citizen reveals schools with supersize classes

Large class sizes are widely accepted to be damaging to children’s education — but is your child in a supersize class?

A special survey by the Citizen shows a local string of primary schools have at least one supersize class - with one school having 12 classes of more than 31 children.

Another local school has just one class that is oversized - but there's 39 children in it.

Currently there is no limit on the size of most primary and secondary school classes in England although infant classes – for pupils aged four to seven – have a statutory maximum of 30 pupils.

Some exceptions are permitted, such as including a child with special educational needs who is partly educated in a special school as the 31st pupil.

According to official Department for Education data, 28 primary schools in Milton Keynes have classes with more than 30 pupils.

In total the schools are home to 65 classes with 31+ pupils, involving a total of 2,097 children.

Scroll through our gallery to view the schools in supersize class order.

NOTE: The number at the beginning of each slide does should be ignored for the purposes of this gallery.

Another local school has just one class that is oversized - but there's 39 children in it.

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