Reports of sexual offences against children soar in police area that covers Milton Keynes

Sexual offences against children have risen by more than 48 per cent over the past four years in the police area covering Milton Keynes.

And more offences take place in Thames Valley Police area than anywhere else in the East of England, statistics gathered by the NSPCC show.

Over the past year, 2,690 child sex crimes have been recorded by TVP. Almost 800 of them were against children under the age of 10.

The most common age for victims was 14, say the NSPCC.

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Across the UK, 76,204 offences were recorded, including rape, grooming and sexual assault against children. This is a sickening average of one offence every seven minutes.

Peter Wanless, NSPCC CEO, said: “Record numbers of child sexual offences means we are facing a nationwide crisis in the help available for tens of thousands of children.

“These children are bravely disclosing what happened to them but in too many cases there is not enough timely, joined up and child-friendly support. Instead they are shunted from overstretched service to service."

Mr Wanless added: “We need a radical rethink in the way we help these young people, otherwise they could struggle for the rest of their lives with long term, deep seated trauma.”

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The NSPCC is calling for the provision of specialised services around the country, with an emphasis on early joined-up support from police, local NHS services, children's services and advocacy for children who have experienced sexual abuse.

The charity runs Childline, a service for children with nobody else to turn to when they need help.

Childline can be contacted free, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, on 0800 800 5000 or online here.