Symposium’s aim is to improve productivity in food sector

Sir Don Curry, chairman of the government’s Better Regulation Executive, will be headlining a symposium at Cranfield University that aims to discuss how food supply networks can develop better long-term strategies through a joined up approach.

The food and drink industry is a major contributor to the UK manufacturing sector, representing 15 per cent of turnover. The industry is in a prime position to be of strategic importance to social and economic growth, with direct links to the health and environmental sectors.

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Bringing together delegates from all levels of the food network, the symposium will consider the impact of changing environmental and social issues to the industry as a whole and identify some of the challenges that need to be addressed.

A key objective is to also identify ways in which key people can collaborate to meet some of these challenges for long term benefit.

Sir Don Curry will open the symposium with an overview of the current situation. He will be joined by Katrina Williams, director-general at Defra and Caroline Willetts of Syngenta, who will offer views from both an environmental and industrial perspective.

Cranfield University believes that it represents a unique blend of know-how and has a key role to play in helping develop solutions that will drive improved productivity.

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