The Big Ride for Palestine stops off in Milton Keynes

Paula Chammings: Charity drivePaula Chammings: Charity drive
Paula Chammings: Charity drive
Last Saturday 55 cyclists stopped off in Milton Keynes as part of The Big Ride for Palestine.

The cyclists, on one of four charity bike rides taking place simultaneously across the country, were en route from London to Birmingham.

They received a warm welcome at their lunchtime stop at the Nipponzan Myohoji Japanese Buddhist Temple by Willen Lake where refreshments and a lovely restful environment were provided.

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Riders included local cyclists Chris Harding and Paula Chammings, who were helping to raise money for the Middle Eastern Children’s Alliance which supports children’s projects in Gaza.

The cyclists were also met by supporters from the Milton Keynes Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

A spokesperson from MKPSC said, “Once again, it was a privilege to support The Big Ride, to meet such amazingly committed cyclists of all ages and also to celebrate the achievements of local cyclists Chris and Paula.

“Grateful thanks to everyone at the Temple for their hospitality.”

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Nationally The Big Ride event has been endorsed by MPs from all parties, celebrities and human rights campaigners including Jeremy Corbyn, Maxine Peake, Ricky Tomlinson, Mark Thomas and Jews for Justice for Palestinians.

Donations for The Big Ride can be made via their web

or to Paula’s Just Giving page: Read Paula’s story