Plans to erect 'eyesore' signs in Milton Keynes withdrawn after outcry

Plans for two of these signs either side of Campbell Park have been scrappedPlans for two of these signs either side of Campbell Park have been scrapped
Plans for two of these signs either side of Campbell Park have been scrapped
The Parks Trust has withdrawn a controversial application to plant two huge billboards at the gateway to Campbell Park after residents slammed them as being 'completely over the top and tasteless'.

One objector even wrote to MK Council saying: “We are talking about Campbell Park, the serene heart of MK where sheep graze - not Blackpool Pleasure Beach.”

Campaign group Xplain say there was an “overwhelming” public reaction against the plans to erect two bill boards, each measuring four square metres.

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The Parks Trust’s planning application stated the signs would be large enough to be visible from across the V8 grid road, encouraging visitors to cross the pedestrian bridge and visit the city centre green space and the MK Rose.

But Neil Higson, the man who designed much of MK’s original parkland, slammed the plan as a brash act of commercialism, say Xplain.

Ward councillor Ric Brackenbury said he had been “inundated with complaints” from residents

Linda Inoki, chair of Xplain, is delighted application has been withdrawn. She said: “The quality of the landscape speaks for itself.”

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She added: “Besides, with all the new development on Campbell Park’s doorstep, including Hotel La Tour, the expanded MK Gallery and the Campbell Wharf marina there will be more than enough new visitors to enjoy the park.

“We have offered to meet chief executive David Foster to discuss his concerns. If the Parks Trust is still worried about attracting people to the park we are sure that a more creative and sympathetic solution can be found.”


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